For me, Alhazred is one of those life-changing kind of books. It’s not going to be that for most people, it just happened to fall into my hands at the exact time I needed a book like that. I also had to be aware that I needed it, for what I took from it, could have made me worse, not better.

But I won’t get into details – it’s a review, not my life story 😉

This is not a hard read, Tyson is a great writer and the story is very smooth. Abdul Alhazred, author of the Necronomicon, goes ‘walkabout’ and we follow him on his journey of discovery. Basically, Alhazred learns about himself along the way, and if you are clued on while you are reading, you too will learn about yourself along the way. You will walk with Alhazred through evil places, and alongside foul beings, how will you interpret them? Do yourself a favour, go on an adventure that you might not otherwise take 🙂

